About: Andrew Robertson

  • Over 20 years’ experience delivering high-quality editing and rewriting for individuals and organizations. As a commissioning editor I’ve worked with academics, governments, business and civil society.

  • Flexible and versatile. From public policy to critical social science, humanities and the arts, I have the creative drive and imagination to grasp new material and make it accessible - whether it’s a PhD-to-book project, conferencing publication or shorter piece.

  • Diversity- and gender-aware. I have coached and advised women and men from all walks of life in their writing practice, from junior to senior levels. Committed to inclusive learning and my own CPD - qualifying as a tertiary-level practitioner in 2025 (PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training).

  • Interdisciplinary breadth: degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. Awarded a Michel Scholarship (1998), the Gibbs Prize (1998) and the Ives Prize (2000). I have since studied law and worked in education as well as publishing.

  • UK Higher Education experience with LSBU (associate lecturer, Faculty of Health and Social Care), University of Oxford Medical School and Oxford Brookes (values-based recruitment, public engagement and curriculum development). Teaching and assessment experience also in Further Education - British and French systems.

  • Global outlook. I began my career at the United Nations (London press office, UNIC) and the Commonwealth of Nations. I regularly edit development thinking from the US and Canada; EU and non-EU countries of Europe; Africa; Asia; the Pacific; and Latin America and the Caribbean.