About: Andrew Robertson
Over 20 years’ experience delivering high-quality editing and rewriting for individuals and organizations. As a commissioning editor I’ve worked with academics, governments, business and civil society.
Flexible and versatile. From public policy to critical social science, humanities and the arts, I have the creative drive and imagination to grasp new material and make it accessible - whether it’s a PhD-to-book project, conferencing publication or shorter piece.
Diversity- and gender-aware. I have coached and advised women and men from all walks of life in their writing practice, from junior to senior levels. Committed to inclusive learning and my own CPD - qualifying as a tertiary-level practitioner in 2025 (PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training).
Interdisciplinary breadth: degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. Awarded a Michel Scholarship (1998), the Gibbs Prize (1998) and the Ives Prize (2000). I have since studied law and worked in education as well as publishing.
UK Higher Education experience with LSBU (associate lecturer, Faculty of Health and Social Care), University of Oxford Medical School and Oxford Brookes (values-based recruitment, public engagement and curriculum development). Teaching and assessment experience also in Further Education - British and French systems.
Global outlook. I began my career at the United Nations (London press office, UNIC) and the Commonwealth of Nations. I regularly edit development thinking from the US and Canada; EU and non-EU countries of Europe; Africa; Asia; the Pacific; and Latin America and the Caribbean.