Client organizations
I’ve edited / written for the following:
ActionAid International
Anna Freud Centre
British Council
British Medical Journal
Commonwealth Foundation
Commonwealth Secretariat
Diplomat magazine
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association
Fabian Women’s Network/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels)
Independent Social Research Foundation (London/Amsterdam)
International IDEA (Stockholm)
Nexus Strategic Partnerships
OISE Oxford
Oxfam GB
Restless Development/DFID
Business: Translation and publishing companies - UK and Europe, range of industry sectors.
Collaborating organizations
I’ve commissioned and edited writing from:
Parliamentary: Committee on Standards in Public Life; Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; INTER PARES.eu.
Third sector, multi-sector: Anti-Trafficking Review; Association of Commonwealth Universities; Canadian Teachers’ Federation; CIVICUS; Commonwealth Diploma in Youth Development Work (open universities); Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative; Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Federation; European Stability Initiative; Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative; GMB Union; Institute of Commonwealth Studies; NCD Alliance; Open Society Foundations; Plan International; Public Services International; Rotary International; Transparency International; UNISON; Unite.
Intergovernmental: The Caribbean Community; Commonwealth of Learning (Vancouver); EBRD; Inter-American Development Bank; International IDEA; International Labor Organization; International Monetary Fund; The Pacific Community; Pacific Islands Forum; Pan American Health Organization; Southern African Development Community; UN Department of Public Information; UNDP; UNECLAC; UNESCO; UN-Habitat; Office of the UN Secretary-General; World Bank; World Health Organization.
“The Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Federation condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Government. The invasion of one sovereign country by another is shocking and without any justification. It is a callous, premeditated, politically motivated war. Our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people whose lives have been shattered by this illegal act.” - CNMF, March 2022
“Nursing staff and their colleagues in Gaza continue to deliver care in impossible situations (…) We stand with other global health organisations to condemn every attack on health care workers and their patients and call for all parties to abide by their legal obligations under international humanitarian law.” - Royal College of Nursing, February 2024
Thought leaders
Selected collaborators and contributors:
Climate change; sustainability: Professor Nigel Clark; Professor Pier Angelo Mori; Rolph van der Hoeven; Nicholas Watts; Farhana Yamin.
Education; gender; youth: Nicholas Burnett; Jane Foster; Victoria Joffe; Lizzie Knight; Rajni Kumrai; Hugh Maclean; Jonathan Penson; Professor Pauline Rose; Cristal de Saldanha Stainbank; Purna Sen; Professor Tim Unwin; Akemi Yonemura.
Law; social and human rights: Richard Bourne; Karen Brewer; Professor Birgit Brock-Utne; Professor Kimberley Brownlee; Professor Julian Burger; Daniel Butt; Craig Jones; Su-ming Khoo; Professor Will Kymlicka; Kumi Naidoo; Dirk Voorhoof.
Mental health and wellbeing: Professor Richard Bentall; Professor Tom Craig; Tim Dartington; Professor Rachel Jenkins; Professor Chee Ng; Rosamund Snow.
Social determinants of health: Magna Aidoo; Kate Armstrong; Simon Barraclough; Ruth Bell; Professor Robin Gauld; Dr Ameena Goga; Professor Liz Grant; Professor David Heymann; Calvin Wai Loon Ho; Jill Iliffe; Ros Madden; Professor Michael Marmot; Professor K Srinath Reddy; Professor Ted Schrecker; Professor Devi Sridhar.
Development economics: Lord Paul Boateng; Lord Malcolm Bruce; Fredrick Galtung; Duncan Green; Professor Geoffrey Hosking; Professor Christer Jönsson; Professor Gabrielle Lynch; Professor Ian Macdonald; Theresa Squatrito.